Tuesday, February 19, 2008

What is the Maryland Challenge

I wish I could take credit for the idea of hiking the Maryland portion of the Appalachian Trail in one day. However, the inspiration comes from a Washington Post article. The terrain is rather gentle with rolling hills that reach 1800 feet and only moderate elevation changes. Additionally, with enough daylight the trail can be traversed within the day.

Although the idea has probably been discussed for a few years, it was not until this winter that I made a decision to hike the trail. Hopefully, I will have some company. I have chosen a late June hike – June 21st to be exact. There are several reasons for choosing June, usually the weather is comfortable and the days are long. A North – South hike from the Pennsylvania border until Harpers Ferry, WV seems to be the best course. If for no other reason than Harpers Ferry is a lot closer to my home in NOVA.

Currently, my goal is to begin training outdoors in March. I will focus on area hikes between 10 – 20 miles, and keep everyone updated.


Sotabound said...

Make sure to read Stephen King's "The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon" before making this hike. Hope you have a good day pack!

Bryan Crum said...

This is 7 days before I leave for the Cayman Islands. Hopefully this will get me in shape so I can wear a bathing suit on my vacation without scaring innocent bystanders.

I'M IN!!! I will bring a video camera and digital camera too. See Darren's other post for a complete packing list of other items needed.

Does anyone have time to book a hotel or camp site for the night before the hike?

Does anyone have a GPS transmitter so the girls (I mean our wives, Kraig) can find us in the dark when we don't make it to the Potomac?

Gittlemr said...

I like the idea of staying at a hotel the night before. Camping would make it a more authentic experience, but I'm worried enough about hiking 41 miles.

I hope this goes better than the hike on Mt. Snowdon in Llanberis where Darren's leadership lost us a third of our men (such a tragic day).